


据媒体报道,马来西亚政府正在准备关闭其主权基金1MDB, 该基金目前还持有的几项资产,包括槟城的港口和吉隆坡的一些地块,这些资产将剥离至马来西亚财政部下属的两家公司。

一个马来西亚发展有限公司(英语:1Malaysia Development Berhad,缩写1MDB),简称一马公司一马发展有限公司,是一个战略性的开发公司,由马来西亚政府全资拥有。1MDB建立了全球伙伴关系和促进外商直接投资,为国家的战略举措。1MDB目前涉及几个高知名度的项目,如敦拉萨交易所(英语:Tun Razak Exchange)、敦拉萨交易所的姊妹项目“马来西亚城”(Bandar Malaysia)、与三座独立发电厂。


据报道,美国司法部指控该基金涉嫌洗钱,涉嫌总金额超过35亿美元;美国司法部宣称要没收该基金高达10亿美元的资产。而好莱坞巨星小李子 莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥所主演的《华尔街之狼》据说和该洗钱案有关。此前,小李子已经放出话,如果查明确有此事,他的慈善基金将会退回所有款项。此外,包括高盛、德银和小摩在内的著名银行也被卷入该案。

“四大”会计公司的三家也被卷入该事件。德勤是该基金2013和2014年的审计师,并出具了审计报告。据报道,德勤已经在2016年2月份表示要辞职,在2016年7月份美国司法部起诉该基金后,该基金宣布德勤辞去审计师职务,同时宣布该基金2013和2014年经过审计的原先财务报表不再可信赖。德勤在审计该基金中涉及到一笔巨额款项(14亿美元)的支付,这笔项目款据说是付款给了Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company(lpic) ,但该公司说从来没有收到此款;美国司法部调查表明该款项实际上是付款给了一家BVI 公司,而这家BVI 公司和 lpic 没有任何关系。 然而,一马公司IMDB 却宣称,德勤在出具审计报告之前已经详细询问和调查过该笔款项了。


在安永和德勤之前离职的审计师是毕马威;毕马威出具了该基金2010、2011和2012年的审计报告。毕马威是在2013年新年夜和该基金分手的, 据报道,毕马威选择分手的原因是该基金拒绝向审计师提供其在开曼群岛所持有资产的产权书面证明、法律架构和金额。




Scandal Plagued 1MDB to be Closed


Monday,9 January 2017 07:04  

The Malaysian government is said to be makingpreparations to shut down the state-owned 1Malaysia Development Berhad fund.

The remaining assets of the scandal tainted fund,which includes highly valued plots of land in Penang Island and prime ares of Kuala Lumpur, will apparently be shifted over to two companies owned by the country’s Finance Ministry.

In an effort to alleviate its substantial debt latelast year 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB) disposed of another of itsmain assets, power plants owned by Edra Energy, the energy arm of 1MDB, to aChinese firm, China General Nuclear Power Corporation, for just under $4 billion.

Another Auditor

Last week U.K. based Parker Randall became the fourth auditor appointed by 1MDB after Ernst & Young, KPMG and Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu. The appointment wasmade almost a year after Deloitte had informed the state owned fund thatit planned to resign.

However in order to gain approval for the closureplan, the Malaysian government must guarantee 1MDB's creditors and holders ofbillions of dollars in bonds that it will honour all obligations.

More Fallout to Come

While Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has concluded its investigation into the activities of the scandal hit unit, the authorities inSwitzerland, Singapore and the U.S. are still working through offencesconducted in their relative jurisdictions directly allied with the fund.

In the latest developments connected to the fund, Jens Sturzenegger the theformer branch manager of Falcon Private Bank in Singapore,was charged with 16offences pertaining to 1MDB. Sturzenegger became the fifth person to be chargedin the extensive and ongoing probe and is unlikely to be the last.



Deloitte becomesthird auditor in a row to quit scandal-hit 1MDB


Follows US DoJ allegations of international scheme tosiphon off more than $3.5bn from fund

July 27, 2016

by: Jeevan Vasagar in Kuala Lumpur and JenniferThompson in Hong Kong

Deloitte has resigned as auditor of 1Malaysia Development Berhad, as thescandalsurrounding the Malaysian state investment fund reverberates through the globalfinancial system.

1MDB said late on Tuesday that its 2013 and 2014 audited financialstatements should no longer be relied on following a USDepartment of Justice complaint last weekalleging an international scheme to siphon more than $3.5bn from the fund.

Deloitte, which notified 1MDB of its intention to resign in February,said the DoJ complaint contained information that, if known at the time of the2013 and 2014 audits “would have impacted the financial statements and affectedthe audit reports”.

The professional services firm has been drawn into a dispute over a$1.4bn mismatch in dealings between 1MDB and an Abu Dhabi investment fund.

Abu Dhabi’s International Petroleum Investment Company (Ipic) said lastyear that it never received $1.4bn that 1MDB said had been paid out.

1MDB said last September that Deloitte had made “specific and detailed enquiries” on these payments to Ipic before signing off on the Malaysian fund’saccounts.

The US DoJ alleged last week that about $1.4bn had been transferred by1MDB officials to a British Virgin Islands entity with no genuine affiliation to Ipic.

Deloitte is the fund’s third auditor. It follows Ernst & Young,whose contract was terminated before 1MDB submitted its first financial statement,and KPMG which in turn was dumped on New Year’s eve 2013.

According to a Malaysian parliamentary inquiry, KPMG departed after the fund refused to provide written proof of the ownership, legal structure and value of assets it held in the Cayman Islands.

Both the 2013 and 2014 financial statements were verified by Deloittewhile KPMG handled 1MDB’s statements for 2010, 2011 and 2012. 1MDB has not yetfiled a financial statement for 2015.

Deloitte’s departure underscores the collateral damage wreaked by thescandal which has sparked investigations in the US, Switzerland and Singaporeand prompted one of the largest seizure of assets — including Van Goghpaintings and Beverly Hills properties — in US history.

The scandal has also focused attention on the apparent weakness ofcontrols against money laundering. Bank accounts in Singapore, Switzerland,Luxembourg, and the US were all used to launder 1MDB funds, US prosecutorsallege.

Officials from the US DoJ have asked DeutscheBank and JPMorgan for details of transactions involving1MDB, as part of the regulatory inquiry.

In a transcript of a phone conversation published by the DoJ last week,a 1MDB official is heard pushing a Deutsche Bank supervisor to approve a $700mtransfer from 1MDB to a Swiss bank account.

The Deutsche Bank supervisor is recorded as saying: “Let me justconvince my compliance person ...I’m fine with you about the compliance side.”

The DoJ is separately investigating GoldmanSachs in relation to bond offerings carried out for 1MDB.Goldman said in a statement last week that it had “no visibility” about thesubsequent diversion of money raised from bonds.

1MDB was set up at the behest of Malaysia’s prime minister Najib Razak,who was officially tied to the scandal by the DoJ complaint last week.

While the US complaint did not name Mr Najib, the description of“Malaysian Official 1” matches his biographical details and officialresponsibilities.

Both Mr Najib and 1MDB deny any wrongdoing and the Malaysian premier hasbeen cleared by the country’s attorney-general over $681m transferred into hispersonal account.



2016-07-22 18:30:20 来源: 澎湃新闻网(上海)




当地时间722日,新加坡金管局、警方以及总检察长办公室联合宣布,在针对马来西亚主权投资基金一马发展有限公司(1MalaysiaDevelopment Berhad,简称1MDB)涉嫌洗钱的调查中,发现3家大型银行存在严重过失。


为了调查,新加坡当局查封了相关的银行账户,资金规模达到2.4亿新加坡元(约合1.78亿美元),其中,半数资产与马来西亚金融家Jho Low及其直系亲属有关。据外媒报道,Jho Low与纳吉布颇为亲近,也在1MDB的成立中扮演重要角色。

1MDB是由马来西亚总理纳吉布拉扎克(Najib Razak)在2009年成立,马来西亚政府全资拥有的主权投资基金。此前新加坡当局表示,该案是史上最大的一单洗钱案件。




美国司法部长洛丽塔林奇(Loretta Lynch)在记者会上公开表示,美国不会允许自己成为洗钱的平台。而联邦调查局(FBI)助理局长安德鲁麦凯布(Andrew McCabe)则表示:马来西亚人民受到了大规模的诈骗。


美国司法部提出的诉讼如果成功,将没收超过10亿美元被非法转移的资产。   资料


尽管文件并没有点名道姓,但美国司法部出具的法庭文件中,32次提到马来西亚一号高官。此外,纳吉布的继子勒扎阿齐兹(Riza Aziz)也出现在文件当中。值得一提的是,勒扎还是电影《华尔街之狼》的制片人。

















§一马发展有限公司(1Malaysia Development Berhad)是在2009年由总理纳吉布成立的国有投资基金,旨在推动马来西亚发展成高收入经济体。

§批评者认为一马基金的许多项目均付出了过高作价,且向投资银行高盛(Goldman Sachs)支付了数以百万美元计的费用




